Why Any Company Needs an ERP System

One of the most important tools that companies need to manage their operational processes ERP, without a doubt, has become the resource planning system

In this article, I will try a little bit to identify the main reasons

Reasons to Have ERP System

The ERP system is the main reference for operations and documentation in any company
Each company or institution has its own policies in work cycles, such as sales and purchases policies and personnel management. To implement these policies, a system must be a reference for the implementation of these policies
The ERP system is also the general reference for all company documents related to its internal work team or external parties that deal with it, such as suppliers, shareholders, etc.

The ERP system ensures that the policies set by companies are implemented
For the sake of institutions, the company sets policies related to sales and the volume of debts, and this is a good thing, but if the company is satisfied with these policies locked in the listing or shares them with employees only, it will not guarantee the application of these policies and adherence to them, and since the system is important to implement these policies, I consider it an integral part of the necessary assets of the company

Help in making a decision
Every company or institution needs to take many decisions in buying, selling, hiring, etc. In order for the decision process to take place, reliable information and statistics must be available in the form of graphs that sing the decision makers from delving into large reports. In our time, the resource planning system can provide these reports in A simplified image or linking the system with any system that provides business intelligence reports, which helps management in making decisions faster and effectively


Reduce costs through business automation
The resource planning system ensures the smooth running of operations from one employee to another by activating the roles of employees
For example, the sales representative prepares the quotation and his manager approves it after reviewing it, and then it can move to another level of approval until the final approval stage, and one manager in a different geographical location can approve all offers of employees spread in different regions
Abdul Rahim Abdul Qadir
ERP Systems Specialist